Worldwide, a median of 6% of both children and adolescents have eczema, and 0.6% of children and 1.1% of adolescents have symptoms of severe eczema. An analysis of data spanning nearly 3 decades from 27 centers in 14 countries involving approximately 74,000 adolescents aged 13 to 14 years and 48,000 children aged 6 to 7 was published by Langan et al in Clinical & Experimental Allergy. The researchers also found that over 27 years, after adjusting for world region and income, there were small overall 10-year increases in current eczema prevalence (adolescents: 0.98%, children: 1.21%), and severe eczema (adolescents: 0.26%, children: 0.23%), with larger increases in lifetime prevalence (adolescents: 2.71%, children: 3.91%).

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