Investigators have found that breastfeeding may provide protection from early eczema in children, but these preventive effects may wane as they age, according to a new study published by Libuda et al in Nutrients. In a 20-year follow-up of the GINIplus study, investigators examined data from children who were fully or partially breastfed in order to determine whether early eczema modified the association between breastfeeding and eczema. The investigators discovered that early eczema was connected with eczema (adjusted odds ratio = 3.2–14.4) until young adulthood. However, the association diminished as the children aged (P-for-interaction = .002–.006). Further, children with a family history of eczema were found to lose the protective effects of full breastfeeding as they aged, though the results of the study were unable to validate the possibility of a rebound effect after the children experienced initial protection. The investigators recommended that parents should continue breastfeeding their children to potentially prevent the development of early eczema.

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